Monday, November 3, 2008

ThiNkin Out Loud

Today while discussing the 14th amendment and Constitutional Voting rights, a white peer of mine proposed a question to our Professor: "Is White people's right to vote not Constitutionally covered??" I laughed when I heard this...then I observed his face which reflect dead seriousness. At this point I didn't know whether I should feel for him, or begin to question the mindset of the dominant culture. I say that because it seems to me that whenever a piece of legislation is enacted or arises, the question of whether or not the dominant culture is being excluded is brought up. Is this paranoia?? Ignorance?? Or pure curiousity?? Nas made a profound statement on his current album in the Song Slave & The Masters: "Anytime we mention our condition, our history or existence, they callin it reverse racism"
Now I wouldn't say its that serious but I do wonder what the underlying thoughts were behind his question. Any ideas?? LET ME KNOW.

Pres. 11

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