Thursday, February 26, 2009


With the wonderful election of President Barack Obama, we have to realize that it doesn't just stop there. We ALL need to be involved in politics in some way-- rather it's participating in student government, keeping up with the present day news, or voting not only on national elections but your local ones, for it starts at home. I myself need to do much better for if I don't know the issues how am I going to affect change or be able to voice my opinion in any matter? So today stop being complacent, letting others make decisions for you-- even political ones and start keeping up so YOU can't be bamboozled. A quote I saw on the gmail account inspired this log-in today:

"Quote of the Day - Charles de Gaulle - "Politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians."



Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Everybody got haters, right?? Well then what do you say to your haters, ESPECIALLY if it's hate for just no apparent reason, you are just doing you, or just doing something good?? Well it was sent to me this morning and I just had to share it.

"People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it."

HOLLA, 'nuff said.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

THE SECRET is that...

"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." So now ya know, as sent to me and now to you :)


Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Late, Not So Great, Debate

After wrapping up Black Love week, I thought of National Panhellenic Council Week has recently came to closure, ending in the beginning of all of its orgnazations purpose: community service. The week was had some interesting events as it took place during the week we inaugurated our first Black President. While this event was commmemorated, it was followed by program wherein the division amongst greeks, and non-greeks was discussed. Questions were proposed,including but not limited to:

How do you feel about NPHC?
Do we live up to what you think our purpose is?
Why do you criticize about our programming but only attend parties??

The conveyance of these questions was often met with silence, or very seldomly with a bold non greek who dared to identify their discontent. I thought this was interesting simply because organizations are often criticized openly, but NPHC is not an entity that people dare to challenge. Is this NPHC's fault?? Who knows. I mean the mere idea of having a program in which you can challenge misconceptions and myths is a bold move that I sincerely commend. But honestly where does this discussion go if there is no criitical analyzation? My answer, absolutely nowhere.
This is not about being disrespectful, its about holding each other accountable and that applies to "Greeks" and "Non-greeks" alike.

So what I pose in the opening month of 2009 is that we ALL should be asked, are we executing our purpose?? That is not an offensive question, but something that one everyone should consider when they journey through their everyday lives. So if it happens to be proposed to you, please don't feel threatened or defensive, it should evoke a moment of introspection. Because when we are past critique, or people are hesitant to offer it... that's the moment when all of us are essentially doomed.

Pres. 11

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Afro Samurai

Once again, HIP HOP culture has intertwined with Another dominant culture. After the first successful season of Afro Samurai, it comes back with a straight to DVD movie. The influence on black culture on others is amazing and this anime is not created by black people but a Japanese man, with voice over by Samuel Jackson and music done by RZA from Wu Tang. Check it out!!

Nerks up!!!!