Friday, August 21, 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Born to the Wrong the Generation: Reason # 99

Once upon a time, I defended you Tyler, I promise I did. To this day, I still appreciate you for providing jobs to blacks in the entertainment industry on and off the camera. Nonetheless, you my good sir, have exhausted your redundant plots, and I'm mad at reputable Black actresses for allowing you to minimize their talents for the sake of being another bitter black woman.
Don't get me wrong, Diary of A Mad Black Woman was one hell of an introduction to mainstream America. Madea's Family Reunion explored the depth of issues within the black family, but also showcased the significance the black family and the importance of unity. I'll even give Why Did I Get Married credit, for at least portraying black people as MARRIED.
Nonetheless every film following the above mentioned have been mediocre at best, in regards to plot, and representation of the black community. If anything, I appreciate your latest contribution simply for the fact that it aids in the composition of my list that surmises that I was more than likely, born to the wrong generation.

Pres. 11

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Born to the Wrong the Generation: Reason # 100

You ever try to engage in conversations with some of your peers about certain things only to get the stank eye o_O? That's how I feel most of the time when I try to discuss anything significantly relevant to certain peers. This phenomena is reversed whenever some of my friends try to hip me to some of their interests as well. I have since concluded I was born to the wrong generation, and this video is the beginning of the countdown that brought me to my thesis :

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My President is Black... I mean Racist

At least according to Glen Beck he is. Or he has a deep seeded hostile feeling towards white folks. I promise, Dr. Gates was like the straw that broke the camels back as it relates the Post Racialized society we live in! It's almost too good to be true. Is too much discussion on race, a good or bad thing?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Big Ben Vs. Black Athletes

Is there a racial component to the lack of coverage in the Ben Rothelsberger case? The 2 time Super Bowl champ is being accused of Sexual Assault however, the coverage has been minimal to non existent. Some believe this is because this is a civil case, others of course are crying racism... where do you stand?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What do you call a Black Man with a Ph D. ?? -Malcolm X

Malcolm X answered this controversial question he proposed decades ago with a word that still evokes anger, and fear and resentment within America. "A N*****" he simply responded. In 2009, the discussion of whether or not that rings true has arisen due to the apprehension of Henry Louis Gates Ph D. a Harvard Scholar, who was arrested for "breaking" into his own house. Upon initially discovering this story I chuckled, appalled at how someone who is renowned due to his infinite knowledge of the black struggle in America and an advocate for activism was apprehend because he had a jammed door. Then my amusement slowly morphed into discontent, and pure frustration.

We are less than a week removed from the Supreme Court Hearings featuring Judge Sonia Sotomayor who is bound to make history by becoming the first Latina on the High Court. However, her confirmation hearings were plagued by questions pertaining to her race, ultimately inquiring about her ability to make decision unbiasedly. I thought this was supposed to be America's shining year for race relations ?? I mean our President is Black... wait he's mixed... No he's African American... no wait, we're all just Americans ... right? Or that's what we'd like to think. It seems that we have broken our arm by attempting to pat ourselves on the back, and this event is proof of such.

Less than 19 hours away from Black in America 2: Solutions, the world cannot continue to ignore the bias and internal bigotry that enlies within the heart of this country.

The funny assumption about race tends to be that if you discuss it, the result will perpetuate more division. However, time and time again that has been proven wrong. I mean look, we've been ignoring race for a while now and look at how great we're doing! Until this country can openly discuss the ills that plague people of all colors that have resulted from historical injustices, we will continue to be exactly what Dr. Gates was; locked up, and humiliated.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday to the NAACP

Without it, organizations like UBSA would not be in existence.

Pres. 11

Friday, July 10, 2009

Random Acts of Regression Pt ....????

Black kids kicked out of a North Philadelphia pool due to their "changing the atmosphere". Based upon the video, do you believe the group was jumping to conclusions, or was there racial undertones to the Management's actions?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Independence? Day

This status made me really curious about what today actually means to Black people. Is it just another day off? I have my own reservations about this holiday however I will mark UBSA's independence by showcasing our summer video... WE REP.

Feedback would be appreciated ...
Pres 11

Friday, July 3, 2009

In + Black News

Kimberly Anyadike, a 15-year-old pilot will attempt to become the youngest black female to pilot an airplane transcontinentally. She took off from Compton Airport for Newport News, Va. at about 7 a.m., Monday and is expected to arrive July 4.

Kimberly is proof that when resources are allocated, and dreams are perpetuated (quote me). Kimberly is already an example to little black girls throughout the land whether or not she breaks this record so I'd like to wish her a safe and sound trip.

That's what's up!!

Pres 11

The Continuation

The History in which we exist...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Relevance of History?

As the 4th of July approaches, the patriotism has always suffered a love hate relationship within the Black community. My soon to be Alma Mater too has the same issue with students of color. So my question is how does past mistreatment of any demographic affect the present day relationship? Is it wrong for grudges to be held due to the moral immoralities of the past? In the process of researching the history of Black students at this University who is still seeking to define diversity I will allow you to answer that for yourselves.

Pres 11

P.S All of these images were found in the University yearbook, which can be located within the main Library... please let me know how you feel

Thursday, June 25, 2009

In Sad Black News...

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Jackson family during this fragile moment.
Although I was not always an advocate for MJ, he was truly an asset to the music industry and will be immortalized through his music.

Pres. 11

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Random Acts of Regression pt. V??

Fam, long time no talk... but you know how life gets. Anywho, you know I couldn't come back without anything controversial so here we go. Diane Black, an elected Tennesee official recently sent out a racist e mail pertaining to our Commander and Cheif, Mr. Obama. The e mail was entitled "Historical keepsake" and consisted of the image pictured above. When asked to explain the following statement was made :

When I asked her if she understood the controversial nature of the photo, Goforth would only say she felt very bad about accidentally sending it to the wrong list. When I gave her a second chance to address the controversial nature of the email, she again repeated that she only felt bad about sending it to the wrong list of people.

Good ish huh? Did I mention she was a member of the Grand OLE Party??? Anyways, just news I thought you should know.

Sidebar: Congrats to the Class of deserve it.

Signing off
Fmr. pREZ, 11

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Fam, UBSA needs bloggers to discuss campus life. We don't care if you rate parties, TUC food, WACK classes, we just need contributors. If you are interested please e mail me at CBROWN614@GMAIL.COM and we can get ish crackin!!

Pres 11

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009

In sad Black News ... UC's 1st Black Dean

EVENDALE - Dr. Lawrence Charles Hawkins Sr., son of a South Carolina sharecropper, was the first African-American to serve as a dean and a senior vice president at the University of Cincinnati.

Hawkins was also an original Tuskegee Airman, a teacher and administrator for the Cincinnati Public Schools for more than 40 years, a leader in race relations in Cincinnati and a founder of the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center.

His accomplishments prove to young men - especially young black men - that it can be done, he told The Enquirer in 1995.

"I guess if I had go say something about myself it is that I love a challenge," he said.

Hawkins, 90, died Saturday at his home in Evendale.

"All of us who knew Larry admired him tremendously," said Joe Pichler, who was a co-founder with Hawkins of the Greater Cincinnati Scholarship Association, which provides 1,000 college scholarships a year to high school students. "He was well known and highly respected by everyone who has been involved in race relations within Cincinnati."

In 1979, Hawkins was named chairman of the Mayor's Police Community Relations Panel and led creation of a paper on police-community relations. In 1984, he received the Charles P. Taft Civic Gumption Award for his contributions to race relations.

He was born in Greenville, S.C., on March 20, 1919. He graduated from Walnut Hills High School and went on to the University of Cincinnati, where he received two bachelor's, a master's and a doctorate degree. The university later bestowed on him an honorary doctor of literature degree.

At UC, Hawkins was a founder of the Beta Eta Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity.

"During the time of the riots in Cincinnati - we call them the revolutions in Cincinnati - he took part in trying to settle some of the uprisings that occurred," said Donald A. Spencer of Avondale, a fraternity brother.

"I would say his major contribution's been to accept responsibilities to make a way for the better positioning of African-American leaders in the city. He made it possible for others to come behind him."

After college, Hawkins served as a lieutenant in the infantry and a pilot in the Army Air Force during World War II. He was one of the few black pilots that got to fly missions, Spencer said.

Hawkins went on to become a teacher at Cincinnati Public Schools' 12th District School. In 1957, he was appointed principal of Samuel Ach Junior High School in Avondale.

"I was told that this would be an experiment to see if blacks could serve as school principals," he told The Enquirer. "I was also told that it was impossible to do anything with Samuel Ach because the students were too dumb and too unruly to learn anything."

He was known for providing structure and stability in a nurturing environment. He retired from CPS as assistant superintendent.

In 1969, Hawkins was named dean of the UC College of Community Services, becoming the first African-American dean at the university. He became vice president and vice provost for continuing education and metropolitan affairs in 1973, and senior vice president for administration, secretary of the board of trustees and professor of education and community services in 1977.

Hawkins was vice chairman of the board of trustees of KnowledgeWorks Foundation and chairman of the Citizen's Cable Communications Board. He was a director of Ohio Citizens Council for Health and Welfare, Western & Southern Financial Group, the Cincinnati branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, WCET-TV, Bethesda Hospital and the Deaconess Association.

He was a 33rd-degree Mason and a member of Sigma Pi fraternity, Alpha Delta Boule.

Hawkins was named a Greatest Living Cincinnatian by the Greater Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce in 1989.

Survivors include his wife of 66 years, Earline T. Hawkins; a son, Lawrence C. Hawkins Jr. of Evendale; two brothers, Arsby Hawkins and Theodore Hawkins of Dayton, Ohio; a sister, Laura Lorene Robbins; and two grandchildren.

Visitation: 9 a.m.-noon Saturday followed by the service at Gaines United Methodist Church, 5707 Madison Road, Madisonville. Interment: Spring Grove Cemetery.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday, March 8, 2009

An Excellent Week is upon us

Ladies and Gentlemen the Lambda Society & Collegiate 100, two honorary organizations which recognize Black Leadership at the Univ. of Cincinnati proudly present to you The Week of Excellence 2009: Defining Your Excellence. This theme is essentially to evoke the Excellence in you.

Check out what's goin down:

Sunday: Take em to Chuch...
Christ Emmanuel (Service time 10:30 am)
Come get your praise on, start the week off right.

Monday :
Men Of Excellence: Living Loving and Learning 7pm AACRC

Please join Collegiate 100 as they discuss how men can better evolve in education, relationships, and overall life.

Tuesday: ...By Example? 7pm AACRC
How do you feel about the alleged leaders on this campus? Do they live up to the titles that are bestowed upon them? Come get it off your chest!!

Wednesday: Intimacy & Excellence 7pm AACRC
Where does love and success meet? What makes the perfect relationship and how does ones success levels control that? Come find out...

Thursday: The Cookoff 8pm 310 Univ. Pavillion
Self Explanatory. Collegiate 0-2 come see them go 0-3.

Friday: Loungin With Lambda 12:30 pm AACRC
Wii...Movies... come kick it with us after classes just to celebrate the week's end. You know the Center cracks on a Friday afternoon, all we're missing is you!

Saturday: Adopt an Elder
11am Oak Pavilion
We're gonna pay respect to our elders by spending time with them. There's nothing more excellent than giving back so we hope you can join us.

We hope you can make it to at least one of the events within the week and appreciate your support.

Throw yA 1's in the aIR
Pres. 11

Thursday, March 5, 2009


"The early bird may get the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese."

Something to ponder over. As sent to me, now to you :)


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Necessary Conversation

Please join us tomorrow evening as we have a follow up discussion from 2008's highly praised program: The Pink Elephant in the Room. This will take place at 7pm in the AACRC, there will be a representative from the Women's Center in addition esteemed blogger Doug Cooper Spencer. We look forward to having this mature, progressive, conversation and hope you can join us.

pRES 11

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Operation We Run This

In case you don't know fam,Student Government is currently accepting packets for open positions in 2009. In previous years, minorities have been grossly underrepresented in elected positions for various reasons, mostly due to lack of participation in the election process.
It is for this reason I propose that you encourage your constituents to seek these elected positions. Student government is a centralized body that has a direct link to the administration and it is crucial that we strive for these positions to ensure that our voices are heard. Packets which contain the qualification requirements and procedures can be obtained in the Student Government Office which is located 6th floor of Steger Student Life Center. Please keep us informed if any of your constituents choose to participate so we can support their cause, and feel free to pose any questions if you have them.

We look forward to your submissions,
President 11

Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday Message

Mon, Mar 02, 2009 -- Monday Mesage*



intransitive verb
Middle French persister, from Latin persistere, from per- + sistere to take a stand, stand firm; akin to Latin stare to stand — more at stand
1: to go on resolutely or stubbornly in spite of opposition, importunity, or warning2obsolete : to remain unchanged or fixed in a specified character, condition, or position3: to be insistent in the repetition or pressing of an utterance (as a question or an opinion)4: to continue to exist especially past a usual, expected, or normal time

persistence. (2009). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary.
Retrieved March 2, 2009, from



Ms. Gold

Thursday, February 26, 2009


With the wonderful election of President Barack Obama, we have to realize that it doesn't just stop there. We ALL need to be involved in politics in some way-- rather it's participating in student government, keeping up with the present day news, or voting not only on national elections but your local ones, for it starts at home. I myself need to do much better for if I don't know the issues how am I going to affect change or be able to voice my opinion in any matter? So today stop being complacent, letting others make decisions for you-- even political ones and start keeping up so YOU can't be bamboozled. A quote I saw on the gmail account inspired this log-in today:

"Quote of the Day - Charles de Gaulle - "Politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians."



Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Everybody got haters, right?? Well then what do you say to your haters, ESPECIALLY if it's hate for just no apparent reason, you are just doing you, or just doing something good?? Well it was sent to me this morning and I just had to share it.

"People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it."

HOLLA, 'nuff said.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

THE SECRET is that...

"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." So now ya know, as sent to me and now to you :)


Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Late, Not So Great, Debate

After wrapping up Black Love week, I thought of National Panhellenic Council Week has recently came to closure, ending in the beginning of all of its orgnazations purpose: community service. The week was had some interesting events as it took place during the week we inaugurated our first Black President. While this event was commmemorated, it was followed by program wherein the division amongst greeks, and non-greeks was discussed. Questions were proposed,including but not limited to:

How do you feel about NPHC?
Do we live up to what you think our purpose is?
Why do you criticize about our programming but only attend parties??

The conveyance of these questions was often met with silence, or very seldomly with a bold non greek who dared to identify their discontent. I thought this was interesting simply because organizations are often criticized openly, but NPHC is not an entity that people dare to challenge. Is this NPHC's fault?? Who knows. I mean the mere idea of having a program in which you can challenge misconceptions and myths is a bold move that I sincerely commend. But honestly where does this discussion go if there is no criitical analyzation? My answer, absolutely nowhere.
This is not about being disrespectful, its about holding each other accountable and that applies to "Greeks" and "Non-greeks" alike.

So what I pose in the opening month of 2009 is that we ALL should be asked, are we executing our purpose?? That is not an offensive question, but something that one everyone should consider when they journey through their everyday lives. So if it happens to be proposed to you, please don't feel threatened or defensive, it should evoke a moment of introspection. Because when we are past critique, or people are hesitant to offer it... that's the moment when all of us are essentially doomed.

Pres. 11

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Afro Samurai

Once again, HIP HOP culture has intertwined with Another dominant culture. After the first successful season of Afro Samurai, it comes back with a straight to DVD movie. The influence on black culture on others is amazing and this anime is not created by black people but a Japanese man, with voice over by Samuel Jackson and music done by RZA from Wu Tang. Check it out!!

Nerks up!!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Shout Out 2 YOU! [Shades That Is]

LADIES!!!!! PLEASE BRING YOUR PROM DRESSES AND OR FORMAL GOWNS TO SUPPORT SOY'S COMMUNITY SERVICE INIATATIVE TO HELP HIGHSCHOOL GIRLS. YOU CAN DROP THEM OFF IN THE AACRC OR THE WOMEN'S CENTER! These ladies have been working diligently to ensure that young women can be positively affected through the efforts of the Women at UC and we commend them for what they do. Please support their cause and spread the word in the process!

Monday, January 26, 2009

First Bush, Now Zimpher??

With the fate of the nation now being passed off to the newly-elected President Barack Obama; maybe it truly has catalyzed a time for change. A time to rid ourselves of political figures that don't work to our benefit... With that said, I present to you, news that many students may (or may not) be excited about:

Zimpher looking at N.Y. job

University of Cincinnati President Nancy Zimpher has talked with the State University of New York about its vacant chancellor's position but has not been offered the job, UC's board chairman confirmed Friday.

Chairman Jeff Wyler said Zimpher has had several conversations with SUNY officials.

"She's had plenty of people pursuing her with things like this," said Wyler, who was in Florida and said he talked to Zimpher Friday. "She told me, 'If something comes of it, I'll let you know.' "

The Albany Times-Union has reported that SUNY would like to wrap up its presidential search as soon as next week.

A spokesman said the board would update the search Tuesday at a regularly scheduled board meeting.

UC trustees, including Enquirer Publisher and President Margaret E. Buchanan, also are scheduled to meet that day.

The SUNY chancellor supervises the entire system, which includes more than 427,000 students on 64 campuses, from community colleges to comprehensive research universities. It enrolls 40 percent of all high school graduates in New York.

"It would be a totally different job than what she's doing now," Wyler said.

Efforts to reach Zimpher were unsuccessful Friday.

Zimpher, 62, has been at UC for more than five years, and earns about $510,000 in salary and bonuses.

She has presided over significant changes at the university, including major construction projects, higher admission standards and, most recently, a plan announced last fall to restructure the curriculum and implement a new budget process. The plan would reward growing programs, eliminate some of the 15,000 courses that exist now and integrate the main campus with regional campuses in Batavia and Blue Ash.

UC also will change from quarters to semesters by 2012.

UC has grown to about 37,000 students, making it both the region's largest university and its largest employer.

The university is conducting a $1 billion capital campaign that will include as much as $300 million in student aid.

Zimpher has weathered the controversy over the departure of basketball coach Bob Huggins as well as a financial crisis that launched several waves of budget cutting on the UC campus.

Story courtesy of
By Cliff Peale • • January 24, 2009

Just a thought: Post your comments, questions, and concerns.

"DP the VP"

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Random Acts of Regression Entry IV: Inauguration Special

Post racialized society?? You let me know when that happens.
Please comment ....


As passed to me and now to you, ponder it over for yourselves.

"You don't have to be GREAT to get started but you have to get STARTED to be great."


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Inauguration and the process of Changing!

This past Tuesday, America finally saw the CHANGE it had worked so hard for and voted for! Yes Tuesday was when President Barack Hussein Obama was inaugurated as the 44th president of the United States of America! This is what we wanted this is what we showed up for and some of us worked and voted the first time for. So I have to leave you saying that we must NOT stop working hard here President Obama will not change America by himself he will do it with our help and our patience to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Back Like they Left somethin

Last year Bearcast (your future Alma Mater's student ran online rayjo station) was infiltrated by B. Swiss aka DJ IronMan, aka Why do you wear shades in class, when Whats GOOD Radio hit the airwaves. Topics of conversation included: The eradication of images of color...Battle of the Sexes...No Homo; friend or foe and thats just the tip of the iceberg. After some technical difficulties the squad had to take a break however, the return was inevitable because its creeping back beginning tommorow night. With that stated Pleaaaaase make sure you tune in each Friday from 6-8. Its late enough so your out of class, and early enough to not interrupt your weekend so make sure you support your peoples.

Yours truly will be comin through every once in a while I know your convinced.

Until tommorow, enjoy this B. Swiss classic.

pRES. 11

Thursday, January 8, 2009