With the fate of the nation now being passed off to the newly-elected President Barack Obama; maybe it truly has catalyzed a time for change. A time to rid ourselves of political figures that don't work to our benefit... With that said, I present to you, news that many students may (or may not) be excited about:
Zimpher looking at N.Y. job
University of Cincinnati President Nancy Zimpher has talked with the State University of New York about its vacant chancellor's position but has not been offered the job, UC's board chairman confirmed Friday.
Chairman Jeff Wyler said Zimpher has had several conversations with SUNY officials.
"She's had plenty of people pursuing her with things like this," said Wyler, who was in Florida and said he talked to Zimpher Friday. "She told me, 'If something comes of it, I'll let you know.' "
The Albany Times-Union has reported that SUNY would like to wrap up its presidential search as soon as next week.
A spokesman said the board would update the search Tuesday at a regularly scheduled board meeting.
UC trustees, including Enquirer Publisher and President Margaret E. Buchanan, also are scheduled to meet that day.
The SUNY chancellor supervises the entire system, which includes more than 427,000 students on 64 campuses, from community colleges to comprehensive research universities. It enrolls 40 percent of all high school graduates in New York.
"It would be a totally different job than what she's doing now," Wyler said.
Efforts to reach Zimpher were unsuccessful Friday.
Zimpher, 62, has been at UC for more than five years, and earns about $510,000 in salary and bonuses.
She has presided over significant changes at the university, including major construction projects, higher admission standards and, most recently, a plan announced last fall to restructure the curriculum and implement a new budget process. The plan would reward growing programs, eliminate some of the 15,000 courses that exist now and integrate the main campus with regional campuses in Batavia and Blue Ash.
UC also will change from quarters to semesters by 2012.
UC has grown to about 37,000 students, making it both the region's largest university and its largest employer.
The university is conducting a $1 billion capital campaign that will include as much as $300 million in student aid.
Zimpher has weathered the controversy over the departure of basketball coach Bob Huggins as well as a financial crisis that launched several waves of budget cutting on the UC campus.
Story courtesy of cincinnati.com:
By Cliff Peale • cpeale@enquirer.com • January 24, 2009
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14 years ago
I feel like if she leaves now it will be pure chaos on this campus. At least her presence ensures that she maintains the forseeing of her vision at UC. I'm not really sure how to see this as an advantage for the University...so Idk.
I agree but if her vision is so good then why have we been in more debt. I like her vision but i feel she needs more balance with her plan.
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