Malcolm X answered this controversial question he proposed decades ago with a word that still evokes anger, and fear and resentment within America. "A N*****" he simply responded. In 2009, the discussion of whether or not that rings true has arisen due to the apprehension of Henry Louis Gates Ph D. a Harvard Scholar, who was arrested for "breaking" into his own house. Upon initially discovering this story I chuckled, appalled at how someone who is renowned due to his infinite knowledge of the black struggle in America and an advocate for activism was apprehend because he had a jammed door. Then my amusement slowly morphed into discontent, and pure frustration.
We are less than a week removed from the Supreme Court Hearings featuring Judge Sonia Sotomayor who is bound to make history by becoming the first Latina on the High Court. However, her confirmation hearings were plagued by questions pertaining to her race, ultimately inquiring about her ability to make decision unbiasedly. I thought this was supposed to be America's shining year for race relations ?? I mean our President is Black... wait he's mixed... No he's African American... no wait, we're all just Americans ... right? Or that's what we'd like to think. It seems that we have broken our arm by attempting to pat ourselves on the back, and this event is proof of such.
Less than 19 hours away from Black in America 2: Solutions, the world cannot continue to ignore the bias and internal bigotry that enlies within the heart of this country.
The funny assumption about race tends to be that if you discuss it, the result will perpetuate more division. However, time and time again that has been proven wrong. I mean look, we've been ignoring race for a while now and look at how great we're doing! Until this country can openly discuss the ills that plague people of all colors that have resulted from historical injustices, we will continue to be exactly what Dr. Gates was; locked up, and humiliated.
1 comment:
Amen. ANd to add on. We live in a society where the sheet has been pulled off of the race relations within this country. The civil rights movement pulled the sheet on. (I say this because after Martin and Malcolm, no true leaders emerged with helping the black community as their agenda) Given we can argue all day about that though. But with the hearings, Obama still fighting bigots that oppose him and his agenda based upon his color and his political ideology, its apparent that america is not ready to look past race. Look directly at the campus of UC. Preach Multiculturalism and diversity yet majority students dont make any attempt to understand, let alone acknowledge minority cultures. When will the accomplishments of minorities be looked upon as equal to those of whites? What makes Emily Dickenson a more academic worthy poet than Paul Lawrence Dunbar? Why is Souls of Black Folk heavily studied in africana studies yet has no significance to American Sociology or American History? Growing up i heard "Black History is American History" well then y is it not welcomed with open arms by Americans. And why is it when minorities continue to walk into the history books, we are not qualified. "She's an affirmative action appointment" If thats so big a deal, o was Thurgood marshall. But how is she not qualified? Because she doesn't believe the same things as u or because is it because minorities are slowly gaining chapters in the history books. Whites, your pages continue to dwindle in the index. But don't get mad. It was bound to happen
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