Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Born to the Wrong the Generation: Reason # 99

Once upon a time, I defended you Tyler, I promise I did. To this day, I still appreciate you for providing jobs to blacks in the entertainment industry on and off the camera. Nonetheless, you my good sir, have exhausted your redundant plots, and I'm mad at reputable Black actresses for allowing you to minimize their talents for the sake of being another bitter black woman.
Don't get me wrong, Diary of A Mad Black Woman was one hell of an introduction to mainstream America. Madea's Family Reunion explored the depth of issues within the black family, but also showcased the significance the black family and the importance of unity. I'll even give Why Did I Get Married credit, for at least portraying black people as MARRIED.
Nonetheless every film following the above mentioned have been mediocre at best, in regards to plot, and representation of the black community. If anything, I appreciate your latest contribution simply for the fact that it aids in the composition of my list that surmises that I was more than likely, born to the wrong generation.

Pres. 11

1 comment:

DocLaw said...

I disagree for the simple fact of argument Tyler Perry is doing what we all want to do getting this $$$$$$ and we get mad because hes doing the same stuff but yet we still go see the movies and plays or buy the dvd's basically Im saying dont complain becuase hes getting money based on stereo typical things in the black community actually hes a genius and you werent born in the wrong generation you were born in the right generation with a different outlook that makes you stand out for this generation whereas if you were apart of another generation youd just be another spec...

Thank Me Later lol