Monday, December 8, 2008

Juicy or Just Messy?

So the new talk of the town is this crazy website called and for those of you who are unaware, it is like honesty box gone wild! There is no login information required to make comments on this site. A person can just get onto the website and anonymously post a topic or response to the topic. What I think people fail to see is that tools such as these (honesty box, juicycampus) are scapegoats for people to get reckless and say things that they wouldn't usually say! And notice people never have anything POSITIVE to say about one another. What happened to constructive criticism? At least have the audacity to be a big brother or big sister to go and talk to a person and help them correct the error of their ways in a respectful manner. And most importantly, instead of ridiculing people all the time, why don't we (especially for those of us who are older) try leading by example. But this internet bashing and defaming people's names and reputations has gotten completely out of control. And when the subject matters are clearly about black people, how does that make us look to others? Most importantly, how does that make us look to ourselves. And to think, we get so hype and do all this talk about us having a black president but we as a people need to realize that we'll never be able to move forward if we keep going backwards...something to think about!

-Mrs. Revolutionary


First Lady 4.11 said...

As entertaining as it is, JC is just proof of how dysfunctional we have become as people. I truly am curious about how good you feel after you go online and air out all someone's "dirty laundry" with complete anonymity? Somethings are funny, but overall its just sad. Oh yeah and believe the program is coming soon.

United Black Student Association said...

I completely agree...I would LOVE to be the one to do this program to. I'm sure you already know who posted this! lol

DocLaw said...

Ok so im going to have to disagree for one reason with 4.11 I hate when something black people do is singled out and turned into us messing up as a people. Our white counterparts created the site and write the same thing blacks write so all im asking is that we dont single out us as people but include everyone becuase everyone is on this site not just blacks....plz and thankyou
