Ladies and Gentlemen the Lambda Society & Collegiate 100, two honorary organizations which recognize Black Leadership at the Univ. of Cincinnati proudly present to you The Week of Excellence 2009: Defining Your Excellence. This theme is essentially to evoke the Excellence in you.
Check out what's goin down:
Sunday: Take em to Chuch...
Christ Emmanuel (Service time 10:30 am)
Come get your praise on, start the week off right.
Monday :
Men Of Excellence: Living Loving and Learning 7pm AACRC
Please join Collegiate 100 as they discuss how men can better evolve in education, relationships, and overall life.
Tuesday: ...By Example? 7pm AACRC
How do you feel about the alleged leaders on this campus? Do they live up to the titles that are bestowed upon them? Come get it off your chest!!
Wednesday: Intimacy & Excellence 7pm AACRC
Where does love and success meet? What makes the perfect relationship and how does ones success levels control that? Come find out...
Thursday: The Cookoff 8pm 310 Univ. Pavillion
Self Explanatory. Collegiate 0-2 come see them go 0-3.
Friday: Loungin With Lambda 12:30 pm AACRC
Wii...Movies... come kick it with us after classes just to celebrate the week's end. You know the Center cracks on a Friday afternoon, all we're missing is you!
Saturday: Adopt an Elder
11am Oak Pavilion
We're gonna pay respect to our elders by spending time with them. There's nothing more excellent than giving back so we hope you can join us.
We hope you can make it to at least one of the events within the week and appreciate your support.
Throw yA 1's in the aIR
Pres. 11